Can You Really Help Quitting Smoking?

 "Can you really help quitting smoking?" This is one of the most frequently asked questions about quitting smoking. And this is precisely why I wrote my first eBook about quitting smoking - to find out if it really can be done by anyone, and to help people understand that quitting smoking IS possible. Now that I have written the book and published it on CD, I want to set the record straight on this question once and for all.

First, let me explain what smoking really is. Smoking is a mental habit, passed down through generations. It is akin to driving your car down a busy motorway at fifty miles an hour, or walking across a bridge at six miles an hour. We have done these things for years with limited repercussions, until they become unhealthy enough to cause death. Smoking is the same as that - there is no physical requirement for you to smoke, but you do need your mind to be in the right state of mind to really get the benefits of quitting smoking. 

So the big question - Can you really help? - is this even something you can do to stop smoking? Well, the answer is yes, but only if you really, truly want to. You see, most people who try to quit smoking do not succeed for one simple reason: they are not in the right mindset to really quit! When you are ready to quit smoking, it is like hitting two birds with one stone - you need to be in the right frame of mind to actually stop, and you need support to help you along the way.

So, can you really help quitting smoking? In my experience, absolutely yes. To help you with that, here are some of my top tips for quitting smoking. Hopefully, after reading this, you will be on your way to kicking the habit today.  Relx

First and foremost, no matter what - you cannot expect to completely stop smoking by yourself. This is a mental game, and you will need the assistance of others to help you reach your goal. Quitting smoking can be done with or without the help of others - just be aware that they can definitely make the process a lot easier for you. I know that this seems silly, but it's true - you cannot expect to be able to just say, "I'm going to smoke like an old pro," or "I'm going to cut down the number of cigarettes I smoke every week" without the help of others to actually help you.

The first thing you need to do when you decide to quit smoking is - take it one day at a time. Yes, it sounds simple - but many people do it in the belief that they can quit smoking with ten days or less. Well, let me tell you - there is absolutely no such thing as a "quick fix." Just because something works for you, does not mean that it will work for you.

Therefore, it is essential to understand why you smoke and to find out if you have a genuine desire to quit. Many smokers believe that the act of smoking is somehow a kind of outlet for their anger or other feelings. But the truth is - it's just a way of relaxing. It's like having a hobby. Of course, you can't do it without having a hobby, so in that sense, yes you can help quit smoking.

Can you really help quitting smoking? Yes, - absolutely. You can give up cigarettes and find a better way to live without being surrounded by second hand smoke. There are many methods available on the market today, but I would encourage you to seek professional help before attempting to stop smoking on your own. The costs can be high and the results not always satisfactory.


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